CHUN Zoning and Transp Committee
April 4, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Agenda TBD
The Zoning Committee is a standing committee of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods that meets the first Wednesday of every other month (Feb./Apr./Jun./Aug./Oct./Dec.) at 7:00PM on the 19 floor community room at 1201 Williams St Denver 80218.
The committee addresses Zoning and Land Use, Liquor License and Transportation issues that impact the CHUN neighborhoods. The committee addresses these issues by having parties of interest (developers, impacted neighbors, liquor license applicants, government officials, etc.) give presentations at scheduled meetings.
The committee also holds neighborhood assemblies to determine the desires of affected neighborhoods. Committee members also attend many public meetings to identify issues or to obtain information.
All committee meetings are open to the public. Citizens and businesses are encouraged to bring information, problems and issues to the attention of the Committee.